Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Goklan Turkmen subjects of Persia

Goklan Turkmen Torba

The Eye-witnesses' Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign Against the... By Charles Thomas Marvin: "While still advancing upon Khoja Kala the column had run short of supplies and requests had been made to the Goklans at Kara Kala to furnish some The Goklans however being subjects of Persia and hostile towards the Russians had excused themselves on the score that they had no means of transport Lomakin had then applied to some Turcomans near Tarsakan but they had also evaded assistance On reaching Khoja Kala his force suffered severely from disease and experienced a want of medical stores as well as of the common necessaries of life"

See my Goklen Rugs the O'Connell Guide

Goklans however being of Persia and hostile towards the Russians

 About this book Read this bookThe Eye-witnesses' Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign Against the ... By Charles Thomas Marvin: "While still advancing upon Khoja Kala the column run of supplies and requests had been made to the Goklans Kara Kala to furnish some The Goklans however being of Persia and hostile towards the Russians had excused themselves on the score that they had no means of transport Lomakin had then applied to some Turcomans near but they had also evaded assistance On reaching Khoja Kala his force suffered severely from disease and experienced a want of medical stores as well as of the common of life"

 About this book Read this bookThe Eye-witnesses' Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign Against the ... By Charles Thomas Marvin

&nbsp;About this book&nbsp;Read this bookThe Eye-witnesses' Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign Against the ...&nbsp;By Charles Thomas Marvin: "<a href"

Atabai Turkman near Bairam Oloum or Holiday Ferry

&nbsp;About this book&nbsp;Read this bookThe Eye-witnesses' Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign Against the ...&nbsp;By Charles Thomas Marvin: "march of seventeen miles The road was very tortuous and the bank of the river was found to be full of depressions and holes rendering cultivation of the Domakh district impracticable After covering ten miles the expedition turned to the left away from the Atrek passing on their right Bairam Oloum or Holiday Ferry a beautiful river terrace animated with abundant verdure and dotted with the encampments of the unfriendly Atabai Turcoman tribe Late in the afternoon the column arrived at Tchat"

Djafarbai/Jafarbei Turkmen near Murat Lar

&nbsp;About this book&nbsp;Read this bookThe Eye-witnesses' Account of the Disastrous Russian Campaign Against the ...&nbsp;By Charles Thomas Marvin: "At 5 o clock the next morning the expedition continued its march The horses having each received a bucket of water advanced in greater spirits The farther the column proceeded the more verdant the vegetation appeared to be hillocks and undulations became more frequent the sand disappeared and the soil seemed firmer and more argillaceous About four miles and a half beyond Murat Lar and in close proximity to the road traces of old melon plantations and cultivated fields were seen The Djafarbai Turcomans who roam in this part of the country cultivate the ground every year and after gathering in their harvests remove to other camping grounds At one place a short distance from the road the Russians observed clear traces of an old encampment and also of fields cultivated by means of artificial irrigation A halt was made at 10 o clock at Karadji Bateer and it was decided by the commander that the troops should rest there the remainder of"